I felt like I need to keep up with the Jones (Kristen) and write a little tidbit about TV. So at this new house we actually hooked up our TVs to antennas (we haven’t really watched TV in the last 2 years besides movies, too cheapo for cable or to busy). Reception is really good here because we are at the top of the valley.
At 4:00 every day Brett and I watch back to back episodes of “Malcolm in the Middle,” This by far has to be my favorite show of all time! Sure Cheers, Wings, Buffy, Seinfeld, Married W/ Children, or Will and Grace all had a few good one liners, and they each had memorable episodes, but Malcolm is piss your pants funny sometimes! Was that a run on sentence or what?
Every day Brett sings along with the theme song, “…life is unfair.”
Can’t report on anything else cuz that’s pretty much all we watch so far.