An American Love Affair

Ok, say you’re at a party and you parked behind someone that needs to run up to the store for a pack a smokes, or chips; something. Are you the bastard that says, “let me move my car?” Or do you hand over your keys to your rusted out POS and say “don’t scratch her, she shifts funny too.”
I used to love going to car shows and I know if it isn’t mine I had to keep my beaters off. You’ve seen the signs “look but don’t touch,” and the ever so cute “you toucha dis a machine I smasha you face.” I’ve seen those signs on total crap! The really good cars aren’t tacked up with them. I’m talking about the $50-60-70K cars. No, but the $4K Riviera has one. What the hell is wrong with people?
Bobbi’s nieces (18 &16 w/ no tickets) were in town with their parents and wanted to go to the mall (a 12 mile trip). Could they use their parents car; NO the parents needed them? Could they use Grandma’s car since she was out of town and it was sitting in the driveway unused ; No “I owe too much money on it,” she said. Bitch you got insurance, what the fuck you care, damn. Bobbi let them use her car and I was about to offer up my “new” Explorer even though I hardly knew the girls. Damn that still pisses me off, “I owe too much money on it.” Bat.
It’s an F’ing car people… not a toothbrush. Why do people get this way? Its an object. Sitting in the driveway unused does it more damage. The reply back from someone when you ask to use her car really tells how much trust and respect she has for you. More so, how shallow she is.
P.S. Can you borrow my Mustang for the weekend, you ask? No
Ok before the comments come in, Maybe not Kover. Justified.
The only things you ever let me borrow was Jerry.
The only thing you ever gave me was the syph.
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