I need a BREW!

It feels like I got a swarm of bees done been nesting in my skull since I found out I gotta be in Albuquerque in 10 weeks. Oh crap, I got more shit to move than a fat man fresh from China Buffet. Intel’s gonna pay to move Bobbi, Brett, and me but I won’t get a check till the first day of work, so we gotta front the dough. Here’s the equation:
No $$$ + No Time + Sell House Here + Buy House There + No Sleep + Still having to work + 20 tons of machinery = STRESS
Another equation:
I plan on being happy at Ray and Kristen’s bash on Sat. I don’t know if Bobbi will or not, she has been sick and stressed too. Last night she was going through my dresser drawers throwing out old clothes and getting mad when she should have been in bed getting well. She wants to get done but doesn’t know where to start. I made her sit down and help with a schedule/list.
“One pack of industrial strength garbage bags will move a whole room! I don’t really care if something chips or shatters” just one thing less to find space for.
If any of you guys are in need of some shit… well let me put it this way, the less we move: the less we move. I’ll be hosting another Christmas party and bring a truck cuz the level of “gift” giving, by yours truly, will be extensive this year.
Consult your rule book: Rule 5- All gifts received and/or opened by participants of the gift exchange must be removed from the premises by the said participant at close of the function.
In layman’s terms, you don’t have to take it home but DON’T leave it here! If you get Potted Meat and you don’t like Potted Meat, it’s still YOUR Potted Meat. If you get 900lbs of scrap metal and didn’t want it…gets the picture? Just like roulette and that’s what makes it fun! Love and Hate, no shades in between, REAL Christmas.
Your photoshop skills are amazing.
Unless you guys were actually in costume at a hot air balloon event. Your comments on 900lbs of scrap are making me wary to attend your party...
...no sense of adventure.
You're the one who wants to move. You could stay right where you are and shut up. I don't want to hear any more of your whining.
I ain't bitch'en Dave, just coming up with another reason to drink. Is that so wrong? Damb? P.S. Terry from Harrassments says "HI."
Hey Terry. I miss going there very night and eating egs and drinking beer. Memories, in the corners of my mind.
i loves me dem pickle egggs. so salty, so shewy, so purple...soo good. p.s. don't ever eat the the pickled back-bottom gristle bumps. i saw that once in a movie. apparently the b-bgb's are lumps of poo. man, john witherspoon is a funny fella.
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