Bye bye MANTIS!

Here is the newest addition to my collection. A SWEET AS ASS 2002 Explode-R. Laid out & phat as hell. This is my attempt at pissing in the direction of the environmental community (Not really, but at 16MPG it sure feels that way). Thanks Ebay, for helping me track you down.
Oh and- Goodbye MANTIS! You served me well my green friend. Remember driving together all winter with just one wiper? Remember when you didn't want to stop even though I wanted you to. Remember? …Good times.
The Mantis will be for sale in the front yard. Interested parties please contact me ASAP for the Mantis will be a guaranteed Hot “just-in-time” Christmas seller. Buyer will also receive a photo of you and me in front of the Mantis and an autographed letter of authenticity.
Bobbi got an Altima a while back and I guess she felt sympathy that I drive shit. She said I deserve better and should treat myself. “Well baby I got a 66 Mustang” (that I never drive & goona sell) and my pride and joy, cost me more than Darla, Bronco (that’s in pieces). Truth, I could keep driving Mantis “It’s just my work car?” But, I won’t miss the Mantis no how! Plus, “I needed something with a V8 to pull my trailer & toys.” That’s what I have been telling myself to justify the new debt. Its only money, F it.
It’s got new tires! I always had a thing for tires. The Bronco had new 35’s on when I first saw her! If ever you want to sell me your crap for way to much money put new rollers on it and you got a deal.
This thing’s even got a factory phone in it! WTF? Didn’t Ford realize in '02 most people have mobiles anyway? What am I supposed to do with that? It’s kind of in the way so its gonna have to go.
Well I was invited to go drink with the co-workers today so that’s were I’m headed.
I have so much more to write so I am going to leave myself a reminder.
I like to fly (my buddy just died last month in his plane and that gives me some reservations).
NPR - the boys on the war in Iraq. Coming from a former enlisted.
Curt! That is the creepiest fucking picture of you.
You should have got the Expedition with the 5.4 instead of that sissy ass Explorer with a tiny 4.6.
I get 13 MPG biotch.
I've got a RTA pass and ride an electric powered train! Top that motherfuckers!
Don't you mean you have an RTA pass?
I don't get it. I like boobs!
Me too! Boobs that is.
I once rode an electric powered train to tuna town.
Where's tuna town...say!
I think the elctric powered train is a vibrator.
You both got new cars. Damn you rich! Hey, Jeremy got a 95 Geo Metro and it's purple. Beat that.
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